Future Perfect | Futur Antérieur
Future Perfect | Futur Antérieur sheds light on individual and collective actions across Europe, Africa and the Americas to defend racial equality and justice. Our guests - scholars, activists, artists - share their practice with us, highlighting both the forms that historical and contemporary racial violence takes in these different contexts, and examples of possible reforms and mobilizations. Through their experiences fighting against racism, we draw the contours of racial justice efforts today. Future Perfect | Futur Antérieur is hosted by Liliane Umubyeyi and Amah Edoh, co-founders and co-directors of the African Futures Lab (AfaLab). A new episode is published every two weeks, and episodes alternate between French and English. Production credits: Production: Amah Edoh; Liliane Umubyeyi; Matt Dann; Recording and editing: Matt Dann; Music: “African Dreams,” written and composed by Seun Anikulapo Kuti; Artwork: Amélie Umuhererezi
19 episodes
Season III Episode 5- Fadhel Kaboub: International Financial Institutions Rooted in the Intrinsic Link between Colonialism and Capitalism: How to End a System of Domination Through Climate Reparations?
This episode of Future Perfect | Futur Antérieur features Professor Fadhel Kaboub, who highlights the urgent need for decolonizing climate frameworks alongside a radical global e...
Season 3
Episode 5
Season III Episode 4- Chenai Mukumba: How to Finance Climate Reparations: Does the Framework of International Financial Institutions Facilitate Healing from the Past for a Better Future?
This episode of Future Perfect | Futur Antérieur, co-hosted by African Futures Lab Director Liliane Umubyeyi and Program Assistant Helene Himmer, features a compelling discussion with Chenai Mukumba, Executive Director of Tax Justice N...
Season 3
Episode 4
Season III Episode 3- Adrián Martinez Blanco: International Law, Regulations & Negotiations: Addressing the Inefficiency of Loss & Damages Fund and the Role of Litigation in Climate Reparations
This episode of Future Perfect | Futur Antérieur is co-hosted by Patrick Toussaint, an international environmental lawyer, and Helene Himmer, Program Assistant at African Futures Lab. Both welcomed the special guest Adrián Martinez Bla...
Season 3
Episode 3
Season III Episode 2- Ineza Umuhoza Grace: Activism, Narratives & Media Representation: What is the climate reparations movement missing to emerge and be a priority at the international agenda?
In this podcast episode, Hélène Himmer and Brigette Perenyi, storytelling manager at Reform Initiative host a discussion with Ineza Umuhoza Grace, CEO of the Green Protector and Co. and founder of the Loss and Damage Youth Coalition, about the ...
Season 3
Episode 2
Season III Episode 1: From responsibility to reparations of the climate crisis: why the biggest polluters must pay up for climate damages?
In the first episode of the third season of the Future Perfect-Futur Antérieur podcast, Professor Joshua Castellino, the Co-Executive Director of Minority Rights Group International and Profess...
Season 3
Episode 1
S2 Episode 6: Juliette Nijimbere : “La montagne qui a accouché d’une souris” : espoirs et échec de la commission parlementaire belge sur le passé colonial
Dans cet épisode de Future Perfect | Futur Antérieur, Juliette Nijimbere, militante de longue date pour les droits humains, les droits de la femme et la lutte contre le racisme en Belgique, nous parle du déroulement et des résultats de l...
Season 2
Episode 6
S2 Episode 5: Jean Casimir & Michel DeGraff : Onè ak jistis: Avenues for reparations in Haiti
In this episode of Future Perfect | Futur Antérieur, we have the honor of welcoming two eminent scholars of Haiti, Professors Jean Casimir and Michel DeGraff, who speak with us about the legacies of colonialism in Haiti<...
Season 2
Episode 5
S2 Episode 4: Malcom Ferdinand : Le scandale du chlordécone et la continuité des violences coloniales en Martinique et en Guadeloupe
Dans cet épisode de Future Perfect | Futur Antérieur, Malcom Ferdinand, politiste et ingénieur en sciences environnementales martiniquais, revient sur le scandale sanitaire du chlordécone dans les territoires frança...
Season 2
Episode 4
S2 Episode 3: Jephta Nguherimo: Reparations to restore dignity: Pursuing justice for the ovaHerero and Nama genocide in Namibia
In this episode of Future Perfect | Futur Antérieur, Jephta Nguherimo, founder of the OvaHerero People’s Memorial and Reconstruction Foundation, speaks to us about the legacies of Germany’s ge...
Season 2
Episode 3
S2 Episode 1: Mireille-Tsheusi Robert : En quête de respect et de justice : regards sur les luttes antiracistes et décoloniales en Belgique (French)
Dans cet épisode, Mireille-Tsheusi Robert, activiste antiraciste, afro-féministe et décoloniale de longue date, présente une histoire et une analyse complexes de l'activisme décolonial en Belgique. Décrivant son parcours au cours des 25 ...
Season 2
Episode 1
S2 Episode 2: Kwanza Musi dos Santos: The need for an intersectional approach to fighting racism in Italy (English)
In this episode, Kwanza Musi dos Santos, Italian activist and co-founder of anti-racist organization Questaèroma, speaks with us about the state of the struggle against racism and xenophobia in Italy. Among other topics, Kwanza discusses...
Season 2
Episode 1
Episode 6: Menna Agha: Reclaiming space and being guided by our foremothers’ voices (English)
In this episode of Future Perfect | Futur Antérieur, we speak with Prof. Menna Agha, architect and Assistant Professor of Architecture at Carleton University, in Ottawa, Canada. Menna’s research focuses on gender and space, with a partic...
Season 1
Episode 6
Episode 5 : Elom 20ce : “Notre force est dans l’amour" : Le rôle de l’intime dans les luttes pour la justice raciale (français)
Dans cet épisode de Future Perfect | Futur Antérieur, nous accueillons Elom 20ce, artiste polyvalent - rappeur, réalisateur, designer, penseur, militant - africain d’origine togolaise. Au travers de son parcours artistique et politique, ...
Season 1
Episode 5
Episode 4: Mame-Fatou Niang: Working with, through, and around silences in the debate on race in France (English)
In this episode of Future Perfect | Futur Antérieur, we welcome Dr. Mame Fatou Niang, polyvalent US-based French scholar, filmmaker, writer, racial justice activist, and AfaLab Fellow. Mame discusses the state of the debate on race in Fr...
Season 1
Episode 4
Episode 3 : Noureddine Amara : "La mémoire ne vaut pas justice" : Violences d'État et crimes coloniaux en Algérie (français)
Dans cet épisode de Future Perfect | Futur Antérieur, nous accueillons le Dr Noureddine Amara, historien de la citoyenneté et du droit colonial en Algérie et plus largement en Afrique du Nord. Il nous permet d’aborder des sujets a...
Season 1
Episode 3
Episode 2: Amara Enyia & Makmid Kamara: Building a Global African movement for reparations and racial healing (English)
In this episode of Future Perfect | Futur Antérieur, we welcome Dr. Amara Enyia, President of Global Black, and Makmid Kamara, Executive Director of the Africa Transitional Justice Fund (ATJLF). ATJLF convened the recent
Season 1
Episode 2
Episode 1 : Olivia Rutazibwa : Décoloniser le développement international et repenser la solidarité (français)
Dans cet épisode de Future Perfect | Futur Antérieur, Olivia Rutazibwa, spécialiste belge et rwandaise des relations internationales basée au Royaume-Uni, activiste décoloniale et abolitionniste, professeure, ancienne journaliste et ...
Season 1
Episode 1
Introduction à Future Perfect | Futur Antérieur, le podcast de l'African Futures Lab
Bienvenue dans notre nouveau podcast ! Dans cet épisode d'introduction, Liliane Umubyeyi et Amah Edoh partagent les raisons qui les ont conduit à lancer Future Perfect | Futur Antérieur, la signification et les origines du nom du podcast, et le...
Season 1
Episode 0
Introduction to Future Perfect | Futur Antérieur, the African Futures Lab’s podcast
Welcome to our new podcast! In this introductory episode, Liliane Umubyeyi and Amah Edoh share their motivations for launching Future Perfect | Futur Antérieur, the significance and origins of the podcast’s name, and their vision for this podca...
Season 1
Episode 0